Prepare for fall with acupuncture, herbs and fall foods The air is cool and dry, with condensation -just like metal. Metal energy is the metaphor acupuncturists use to describe the season of fall, the season of the Lungs. Throats are getting a little sore and dry from the change, and you may feel more dryness in […]
Read MoreI just wanted to give you the heads up that the common cold, which we have not seen in many moons, is back. Patients, friends and even my family are reporting sneezing, sore throat, congestion, cough and fever. My first suggestion if you begin to have symptoms is to get a COVID rapid test to […]
Read MoreThe Joy Of Healing: How Summer Fun Heals the Heart What comes to mind when you think of summer? For me, it stirs up the nostalgia of childhood feelings of freedom, knowing that those endless days were all mine to fill with family and friends as we shared the sunshine. While “adulting” doesn’t always leave […]
Read MoreDoes Medicare cover acupuncture for pain? The quick answer is yes. Pain is the number one symptom that acupuncturists treat. It is a safe, easy, cost-effective alternative to opioids and other drugs. The Veterans Administration and the National Health Institute have, for several years, known its success, and now Medicare recognizes it as well. Acupuncture […]
Read MoreRecharging your health is the best investment you can make in 2021. It is not selfish, it means you will be your best self when others need you. When I was young I trained to be an American Red Cross Lifeguard. The first rule to learn is “do not become a victim when heading off […]
Read MoreThere have been two instances this year where a neighbor has come to me seeking advice after a doctor has suggested surgery for their ailment. In one case a small cyst had developed after a bug bite on a four year olds eyelid. The parents had tried warm compresses and a prescribed ointment for several […]
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