This I Believe…

I enjoy this exercise and use to use it in my classroom to get the students thinking.  I love to think back on how my beliefs have evolved over the years as new people, information, technologies and experiences have influenced my life.

This I Believe…

That people only change if they are uncomfortable enough

The only thing that builds confidence is struggling through something seemingly impossible

That the what we choose to think about and eat and how we choose to spend our time makes us sick or makes us healthy.

The fastest way to feel happy is to serve others.  Giving the gift of time and your skills to another person I believe would move 100 % of people into a happier space.

Humans need community to feel safe and to be their best.

To truly have a good relationship with someone you have to make time and space to just listen.

People know what they need, but they often don’t take to time to stop reflect and connect the dots.  I love listening to people’s stories and watching them connect their dots.

Wisdom comes from listening and sharing

Fitness, water and prayer can change a life

Our guts hold helpful and harmful microbes.  Are job is to make the helpful microbes happy.

To parent/ guide/ teach a child is a gift that takes time, attention, sacrifice patience, and a tough skin.

It is a gift to teach your child impulse control, the appropriate behavior that should follow the word No, and that they do not need praise for the daily expectations of living peacefully in society.

Families, classrooms and businesses are better when members remember to say thank you for the little tasks that are done everyday.  Thank you is more powerful than Great Job!

If a parent doesn’t tell a child the truth about their behavior, society will.

Make-believe and imagination are necessary, invaluable and immeasurable.

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

The people who care about you the most will tell you the truth

Sometimes there just needs to be silence

Leadership should come from inspiration and a core belief of making lives better.

We must follow those that inspire us, not those that we fear.

Parents need to pay attention to what their kids are truly passionate about, and stop fearing that they are not passionate about the “right” things.


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Amy O'Dell Wilson

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